Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > God With


Signs Pointing Down Here

Oct 15, 2023

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A man heard about a mountain in a faraway land where many claimed one could find where lived on Earth. He traveled there hoping to meet God.

When he got to the mountain, after traveling thousands of miles over sea and land, there was a narrow dirt trail up its side. At the foot, beside the trail, was a sign with an arrow pointing upward. He said to himself enthusiastically, "Okay, it's up to meet with God!"

This man began walking up the trail. After a long, exhausting walk, he reached the peak. Nothing and no one was there other than another sign. It, too, had an arrow. This arrow pointed back down the trail. Words on the sign read: I'm Down There.

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In the Christian Scriptures, Jesus, in one Gospel, was to be called "Emmanuel," literally, "with us - God (El)," so, "God (El) with us." "With," not above, not below, not in another place - this place, everyplace.

Jesus was a sign and embodiment of the Sacred among, not aloof from. You can be such a sign and embodiment, too. You do not need to assume some sacrosanct attitude. You do not need to be the perfection of holiness or enlightenment, not as many would understand. You can be you - your true you - among others, and that is enough.

Where? The man went to the mountaintop, and his God was not there. Where then? Down among the people. You can embody Grace as much serving tables at a restaurant, working as a cashier, teaching kids in school, being a homemaker, or being an athlete, as being some renowned religious leader or a monk living among monks in a secluded community.

This is sure to happen simply by our remaining available. We can embody the Light gracefully and kindly, in a quiet way, even without speaking anything others might refer to as spiritual or religious. We can point others, through our presence, to Presence. We are rays of one Light.

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*©Brian K. Wilcox, 2023

*Brian K. Wilcox, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse.

*Historial background on Shams and Rumi is from Gafori: see source above.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > God With

©Brian Wilcox 2024